33478, Jupiter, Florida - May 10, 2017
Christmas Decorators$75.00 to $125.00 per hour (plus cost of decorations) Don't have time for Holiday decorating or wanting a fresh look using your decorations and adding new. At Southeast Interior Design, Inc. we can bring in all new decorations or work with yours. Make this time of year memorable and call us!
Reported by: JoAnn Munro,ASID, Southeast interior Design, Inc. |
33075, Coral Springs, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$192.50 - $440.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Cost estimate includes holiday lighting install, labor, and cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33023, Hollywood, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$224.53 - $513.20 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) This estimated quote includes installation of holiday lighting, labor, and post-project cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33024, Hollywood, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$194.25 - $444.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) This install price includes holiday lighting installation and labor.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33152, Miami, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$185.50 - $424.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Estimated price quote includes installation and labor.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33310, Fort Lauderdale, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$202.47 - $462.80 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Cost includes installation labor and post project cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33022, Hollywood, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$200.72 - $458.80 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) This price estimate includes holiday lighting installation but does not include light removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33010, Hialeah, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$178.50 - $408.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Price estimate includes holiday lighting installation and post project cleanup. Cost estimate excludes light removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33060, Pompano Beach, Florida - October 9, 2020
Holiday Lighting Installation$196.00 - $448.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Cost estimate includes time.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33023, Hollywood, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$205.28 - $526.03 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Estimated price quote for time and project cleanup. Does not include light removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33152, Miami, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$169.60 - $434.60 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Estimate includes installation of Christmas light, labor, and cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33024, Hollywood, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$177.60 - $455.10 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Price includes Christmas light install.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33075, Coral Springs, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$176.00 - $451.00 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Price estimate includes labor to install Christmas light costs. Does not include light removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33010, Hialeah, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$163.20 - $418.20 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) This estimated quote includes installation of Christmas light. Also includes labor and post-project cleanup.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33060, Pompano Beach, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$179.20 - $459.20 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) This install price includes Christmas light installation and labor.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33022, Hollywood, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$183.52 - $470.27 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Price estimate includes time.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
33310, Fort Lauderdale, Florida - June 12, 2018
Christmas Light Installation$185.12 - $474.37 fixed rate for a typical 2-story house (lights provided by owner) Cost includes installation.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |